Rivercrest Stables

Rivercrest Stables owned by flrancho

   Welcome to Catchfire Racing Stables

Catchfire Stables was founded in early 2019 and is dedicated to breeding purebred, high quality Thoroughbred, Norfolk Trotter, and Shagya Arabians that conform to their real life breed standard in color, temperament, and physical build. Our focus is on breeding champion racehorses of the already mentioned breeds excelling in racing disciplines.

Stud Services

Catchfire Racing Stables will offer stallions for stud to the general public. You can be sure that each stud standing at Rivercrest is a superior specimen that fits into its respective breed standard. Each stallion will, at minimum, reach Champion status before he goes to stand public stud. Any stallion which does not reach the criteria of Champion status OR breed standard conformity WILL NOT stand at public stud.

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Weanling Paddock
Large White Board Pasture
A grassy paddock for Rivercrest Stables weanlings. 8% Filled
69.7% Visit Area
Competition Barn
Large Brown Country Barn
A barn for all of Catchfire Stables horses currently competing. 8% Filled
Visit Area
Paddock A
Large White Board Pasture
33% Filled
77.8% Visit Area
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