Exquisite Equestrian Center

Exquisite Equestrian Center owned by Hydronium

E X Q U I S I T E    E Q U E S T R I A N   C E N T E R

Welcome to EEC where we train and breed with quality.
EEC opened on 12/05/2017 , 
We are developing our trainers skills to advance
 your horses in their careers. 
Our Main Focus for breeding is Jutland's Arabians, Andalusians, Belgians, Forest Horse, Anglo Arabians 
Ardennais, and Thoroughbreds.
However, we have started developing
 some good cross breeds that are fundamental
 to main breeds, take a look at what we have for sale.
We hope to begin training here soon!!
Stay Tuned for Further details.

What do we breed?


( Suffolk Punch x [ Norfolk Trotter x Cleveland Bay ] )

Suffolk Punch

( [ Norfolk Trotter x Belgian ] x [ Thoroughbred x Welshcob ] ) 

Norfolk Trotter's

( [ Thoroughbred x Cleveland Bay ] x Cleveland Bay )

Cleveland Bay's

( Thoroughbred's x [ Arabian x North African Barb ] )


( Arabian x North African Barb x [ Akhal-Teke x Galloway ] )

Quick Start Training Courses By Kayaine

* The fastest way to take down the number of years it takes to complete horse training is to focus on a few key training course areas.

In what I feel to be the order of importance:

1. Energy Saver Courses: 
The less energy your horse uses per turn, the more it will be able to train once its stamina is sufficiently high. When you've completed all the energy saver courses, a horse with max stamina will take only 5% energy to complete most techniques. That's a maximum of 20 thirty minute sessions of whatever per turn!

2. Stamina Training Courses: 
One thing that determines how much energy a particular action will take is Stamina! In the beginning, your horse may only be able to do 10-20 minutes at a Walk in the Arena while Longing on the Flat. But if you keep at it, eventually, your horse will be able to do practically anything! And the stamina training courses will allow your stamina to go up even faster!

3. Training Techniques/Advanced Training: 
These are the courses that affect all stats a little bit . The reason these are more important than any other other courses that you can do is that once you've finished the energy saver and stamina courses, these are the only other courses you can do that will continue to affect stamina! So you'll hit max stamina even faster still, and maxing stamina means minimizing energy!

4. Fast Courses Not Already Completed: 
When I say fast courses, I mean any course that will take you under an hour . You may have already done some of these or you may not have. Just take an afternoon and set a course while you're making dinner or something, note the time, and come back and start another one as soon as it is finished. Just make sure if you're going to bed to start a really long course, so you're not wasting time.

5. Movement Courses: 
With the way I train horses, and subsequently the training method listed, movement is the stat that ends up being the hardest to train after stamina. Hence, movement courses!

6. All Other Courses: 
After everything listed has been completed, you can choose what you want to focus on. It may be a specific discipline's stats or it may be something that takes you longer than others to train. I usually just picked a couple and completed all the shorter ones, 6 hours or less during the day, and left everything else to work overnight or while I went to work/school.

~DWM~ Training Regime By Kayaine

At the moment, these are just notes. They may not be easily understood...

***Note: This is only a general guideline as how much energy something will take depends on the courses you've completed.

1. Begin Training with Arena, Walk, Longe on Flat, Max Time You can Train. (I.e. I can start a horse at 20 minutes, then I may be able to do 5 more) Continue this until you are able to start your horse on 30 minutes in the Arena at a Walk while Lunging on Flat.

2. Train on Arena at a Walk while Lunging until you are able to switch to Collection and Impulsion (+Strength, +Stamina, ++Intelligence, +Movement, 5 Difficulty) for 30 minutes at a time. Should take a few turns-ish. Continue this until you have maxed out stamina (99.8%)! This will take awhile. When you have completed the energy saver courses, you will eventually be able to get down to this only taking 5% energy every 30 minutes of work. Continue this until you no longer gain any stamina or intelligence.

3. Switch to Jumping Obstacles (++Balance, ++++Agility, ++Strength, +Speed, 9 Difficulty). This will allow you to quickly gain agility, strength, and speed! Continue with this until you no longer gain Agility.

4. Switch to Ground Poles (+Intelligence, +++Tempo, ++Movement, 6 Difficulty). This will allow you to finish up Movement and Tempo at the same time. Continue until you no longer gain any Movement or Tempo.

5. Switch to Lunge on Flat again. Then change the gait to gallop. Continue with this until you no longer gain any Speed.

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Horses For Sales
Large White Board Pasture
This Pen Holds horses I am selling 42% Filled
82.6% Visit Area
Breeder's Favorites
Medium Brown-White Country Barn
This barn consists of random favorites that are all around good competetors 0% Filled
Visit Area
Suffolk Punch
Large Natural Board Pasture
Suffolk Punch
( [ Norfolk Trotter x Belgian ] x [ Thoroughbred x Welshcob ] )
33% Filled
75.5% Visit Area
Large White Board Pasture
Jutland Build
( Suffolk Punch x [ Norfolk Trotter x Cleveland Bay ] )
58% Filled
82.2% Visit Area
Norfolk Trotters
Large White Board Pasture
Norfolk Trotter's
( [ Thoroughbred x Cleveland Bay ] x Cleveland Bay )
50% Filled
100% Visit Area
Cleveland Bays
Large White Board Pasture
Cleveland Bay's
( Thoroughbred's x [ Arabian x North African Barb ] )
92% Filled
100% Visit Area
Large White Board Pasture
( Arabian x North African Barb x [ Akhal-Teke x Galloway ] )
92% Filled
95.4% Visit Area
Medium White Board Pasture
This pen has my gold and green marked Arabians. 75% Filled
80.8% Visit Area
Large Walnut Board Pasture
58% Filled
74% Visit Area
Pregnant Mares
Large White Board Pasture
Expecting Mares 25% Filled
100% Visit Area
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